


You are magic.
At a cellular level, the practice of magic has a lot in common with the fundament of most religious ideology. An individual is made greater with acknowledgement, respect, and vocal invitation to be a vessel for a power greater than one’s self. This power is often thought of as residing vaguely skyward, but is simultaneously everywhere and present in all things and persons. The more people that think the way that you do and cast spells–or pray, meditate, or sing, perform acts of public service or create a work of art, etc.– the more powerful that spell becomes. The more repetitions of a spell, the more likely it is that its intended results become real, spreading the idea of itself farther out geographically from its point of origin, and into the future.
There are organizations that use magic to their advantage all the time. If you have ever made a decision on what sports beverage to drink, what movie to watch, or who to vote for, it is likely that repetition of that product’s symbolism and it’s implied positive impact on you will have influenced that decision. An idea that came from nowhere but a powerful individual’s imagination and will to change your perception and how you spend pops up in your life and has its intended effect, without you ever having to meet that individual.
Magic can also be used to heal, to make one’s head or immediate physical surroundings a place where life and ideas can calmly flourish, and to ensure that no one has to invoke the same spirits or symbols as their neighbor to live safely in the same neighborhood.
Rod Serling once summed it up like this: “If in any quest for magic, in any search for sorcery, witchery, legerdemain, first check the human spirit.”
I offer this reminder to you with the hope that in the coming days, you don’t forget where the magical power to change your life and the whole world lives, and how to wield it. It is everywhere, in all things and persons, requires only your belief in it and acknowledgement that it is in you. That it is you.

Good Witch


Before her patriarchy smashing mercenary’s journey to uncover Oz’s government fraud, Dorothy was asked by Glinda if she was a good witch, or a bad witch. Though she doesn’t think she is a sorceress at all, at the end of her journey she realizes that she and her friends had all the magic, courage, heart, and brains to accomplish any task within them the whole time. Just like you.

Good Witch